Local Artist Series // Lauren Jones

Who are you and what do you create?
My name is Lauren Jones, I grew up on the Sunshine Coast and studied Creative Writing at USC and Fine Art ‘painting’ at Monash Uni in Melbourne. I live in an old Queenslander in the hinterland with my husband, cat and new baby.

What materials and techniques do you use?
I work predominately in oil paints and use the ‘alla’ prima technique when I create.

What kind of inspirations go into your work?
So many things can inspire me from stories in either books or film, transporting music or places/spaces with atmosphere. And in a way –  I’m always intrigued by ‘other worldly’ things.

In what space do you like to create most?
To be honest, I like to sketch when I’m in bed. It’s where I’m most cosy and relaxed. I paint in my studio, and have a little set-up underneath the house which looks out into the garden. Wherever we are, my husband always makes sure that I have a studio space to create by constructing one himself (I’m very lucky).

What has been your favourite or most important work to date?
I have two favourite works, one is a large oil painting ’Shallow Light’ I created a couple of years ago – of a girl in a stream under dappled light. The other was from a recent series called ‘Lucent Thoughts’ which is a portrait half masked by shadow. In this recent series I was exploring the notion of fleeting moments of clarity and thought – which often pass over us so quickly.

To see more of Lauren’s work, head to her website or Instagram

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