The Playlist


The Playlist

Favourite songs underscoring fabulous stories.  

Stories of people and their connection to Coolum.

Joyous, Heartbreaking, Mischievous, Hilarious.

Music to match the sentiment of the story. Sentiment indivisible from its musical score.

The Playlist is a place-based performance work centred on the songs of Coolum and the stories that connect them to the community.

Throughout 2022, our collectors have been out and about gathering songs and associated stories that local residents relate to their Coolum experience — a favourite piece of music that connects them to place.

From this a playlist of almost 60 songs was compiled — you can listen to the entire playlist here. Then a selection of songs and stories were selected and have been crafted into a one-hour immersive theatrical experience combining live music, video projection, visual art, and spoken word.


  • Lyndon Davis & Gubbi Gubbi Dance Troupe
  • James Muller (Film Maker / Projection Artist)
  • Peta O’Hara (Art Design)
  • Cooper Brady (Photography)
  • Cool Harmonies Choir
  • And the stellar musical lineup of Shannon Sol Carroll, Nadia Sunde, Andrew Veivers, Eugenie Costello, Oj Newcomb and Kym Ambrose.


  • Andrew Veivers — Artistic Director / Composer / Musician / Collector
    James Muller — Film Maker / Projection Artist
    Yvonne Corstophin — Choral Arrangements and Choir Facilitator
    Shannon Sol Carroll — Collector/Vocals/ Guitar
    Peta O’Hara — Art & Set Designer / Collector
    Cooper Brady — Photographer
    Angie Dunbavan — Producer
    Philip Dunbavan — Production Manager
Image credit: Cooper Brady 


This project is supported by the Queensland Government through Arts Queensland.

How to get there

The Playlist

Coolum Civic Centre, 2–4 Park St, Coolum Beach, Kabi Kabi Country


All ages
Venue is wheelchair accessible